Motorcycle Poker Chip Run
Sunday, September 16, 2018
Come, Ride and Save Lives!
For the 5th year in a row the NHSPCA Ride will bring together bikers committed to ending animal homelessness. All funds raised through registration, individual fundraising, shirt sales, and raffles will provide the New Hampshire SPCA with the necessary resources to offer nourishing food, a warm bed, critical medical care, a safe shelter, and a loving touch to the thousands of animals that will turn to us in need this year.
Register Now
Or at the event beginning at 10:00am
So what is a Poker CHIP Run?
Participants will be given a list of stops and a score card when they arrive at the event. At 11:00 a.m. everyone will head out for the stops- it’s your choice where you head first! At each stop participants will draw three chips and note the color on their scorecard. Everyone will be due at the final stop, Smuttynose Brewery, by 2:30 p.m. At Smuttynose, participants will find out how many points each color chip is worth. Participants will then tally up their score card based on the number of points they received for each chip and the person with the highest score will win a grand prize!
Day of Event Schedule:
10:00 a.m. – Registration and check in begins at the New Hampshire SPCA. Participants can check out the shelter, meet some animals, and enjoy a delicious cup of coffee!
11:00 a.m. – Participants depart for the stops to collect their chips! You choose which stops you’d like to start with and your favorite route along the way.
2:30 p.m. – Last Stop: Smuttynose Brewery in Hampton. Participants will tally their scores and can get some tasty food while listening for their name to be called as a raffle prize winner!
Questions? Contact Megan Bickford at or at 603-772-2921 x 105