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Interested in being an advertiser?

Coverage: You can reach a highly targeted audience of over 20,000 animal lovers throughout the Greater Seacoast area by placing your ad in the New Hampshire SPCA’s newsletter. The NHSPCA reaches over 150 communities in Rockingham and Strafford counties as well as Southern Maine and Northern Massachusetts. In addition to reaching our unique audience of animal lovers, your ad helps make a difference in the lives of all the animals that come through our doors each year.

Discounts Given For Semi-Annual and Quarterly Submissions: when payment is made in full at time of first ad submission. Ads do not need to run in consecutive order to be eligible for a discount.


Designing Your Own Ad: We can accept electronic files in the following formats: InDesign, Photoshop or Illustrator, .PDF, .JPG or .TIFF.

Please make sure files are at 300 dpi and include fonts and pms colors if applicable. If You Need Help Designing Your Ad: Our in house Graphic Designer can create an ad for you at the low rate of $30 per hour. Please provide materials at least a week before submission due date.

For More Information, Rates and Advertising Contracts please contact: Melissa Mower at 603.772.2921 x 119 or email