Last week, our Field Services Department received a report about a missing puppy in Exeter. After contacting the owner, Humane Agent Ian Matheson learned the dog was heard barking in the marsh by Drinkwater Road, close to where the dog went missing. He responded immediately to assist the owners with rescuing the dog from the marsh.
Upon arriving, he was able make his way towards the dog and ended up jumping into the marsh water to help rescue the dog. The dog’s owner showed up shortly afterwards and helped bring the dog to dry land.
We would like to thank the alert neighbor that called in the barking dog, if she hadn’t; the dog may have traveled further into the swamp and the outcome could have been tragic.
It takes a community to bring a lost dog home.
The New Hampshire SPCA assists pet owners with lost pets as we are able by providing trap rental, advice, and volunteer assistance when available.
If your pet is missing, please review our lost dog recovery tips and contact the NHSPCA Field Services Department at 603-772-2921 x 111 or fill out a lost pet report.