Don’t mind us, we’re just trying to figure out what’s bigger: Remi’s heart or his head.

Remi is a solid 83 pounds of best friend material. He has no idea just how big he is and has never met a lap he can’t fit into… and that includes during car rides. Car rides — which are already a great joy in Remi’s life — are significantly better when he’s able to sit reaaaal close to his person.

While this boy came to us with a sad story, we have so enjoyed getting to know him over the past couple of months. In fact, just mention Remi’s name to anyone in our Adoption Center and their face will immediately light up. He’s so, so loved here.

But, we know that a kennel is not a home, and we’re hoping to find the perfect home for this big guy to live out the rest of his life. He deserves stability, comfort, and all the good things in life. In return, he will be the most loyal friend you could imagine.

Remi is a 3-year-old Pitbull/American Bulldog mix. He’s currently recovering from an eyelid surgery and looks a little funny (but still handsome) with the stitches that haven’t fallen out yet! He has the most beautifully soft brown eyes, the most perfect pittie smile, and a paw that is always ready to be given to you to shake. (Filed neatly under “The Good Stuff” in Remi’s brain, though, is when someone will just hold his paw. He totally loves that.)

Remi came to us with a history of not getting along with other dogs, so his ideal family would be one without other pups. He has never lived with cats, but has successfully lived with adults and children. He just feels much more comfortable in the company of humans than he does other animals.

Remi, of course, would tell you that the most important thing he’s looking for is a family will play fetch with him! Tennis balls are basically gold to this blocky-headed boy. Oh, and bonus points if someone in his family will nap with him. Naps make up a big portion of this lazy boy’s daily schedule!

What’s that saying? New Year, New Dog? If you think Remi sounds like your next best friend, please email us at and we’d be happy to answer any questions you have about him!


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