Puppy Play Group, Saturdays 11:30am (October)
New Hampshire SPCA 104 Portsmouth Avenue, Stratham, NH, United StatesDue to different maturity stages, our puppy play group is only for puppies 10 weeks to under 6 months. Please...
Due to different maturity stages, our puppy play group is only for puppies 10 weeks to under 6 months. Please...
Instructor: April Begosh Duration: 1 Day Class Time: 9am to 4pm Location: New Hampshire SPCA Training Room This workshop is...
Due to different maturity stages, our puppy play group is only for puppies 10 weeks to under 6 months. Please...
Reading with Animals is open to everyone 5 years and older. Every Monday between 4 pm and 6 pm. Sessions are...
Instructor: Liz Smith Duration: 5 Weeks (November 20 - December 18) Class Time: 1 Hour Location: New Hampshire SPCA – Training...
Instructor: Liz Smith Duration: 5 Weeks (November 20 - December 18) Class Time: 1 Hour Location: New Hampshire SPCA – Training room...
Instructor: Ashley Conte Duration: 2 Day Workshop (November 29 - December 6) Class Time: 1 Hour Location: New Hampshire SPCA...
Instructor: Nadine Perry Duration: 4 Weeks (November 30 - December 21) Class Time: 1 Hour Location: New Hampshire SPCA – Training room...
Instructor: Ashley Conte Duration: 3 Weeks (December 2 -16) Class Time: 1 Hour Location: New Hampshire SPCA – Training room Class...
We’d like to welcome families with children ages 2-5 to visit our Humane Education classroom for story time with our classroom...
Bring or borrow a book and read to shelter animals. Research has shown that reading to animals has a positive...
Instructor: Liz Smith Duration: 3 Weeks (Dec.7 - Dec.21) Class Time: 1 Hour Location: New Hampshire SPCA – Training room Class Description:...
Instructor: Liz Smith Duration: 3 Weeks (Dec. 7 - Dec. 21) Class Time: 1 Hour Location: New Hampshire SPCA – Training room...
Instructor: Ashley Conte Duration: 2 Day Workshop (Dec. 9 & December 16) Class Time: 1 Hour Location: New Hampshire SPCA...
Come spread joy to homeless animals and shine a light on the lifesaving efforts of the NHSPCA by joining our...