Governor Sununu Signs Commendation for Executive Director

Governor Sununu Signs Commendation for Executive Director   Stratham, NH – On Monday, August 13, 2018, Governor Christopher T. Sununu…

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Summer School Projects at the Shelter

There are many local schools that offer summer programs for their students. Jason Duff, director of the special education summer…

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Joyful Moments at the Shelter

Every volunteer or staff member at the New Hampshire SPCA has heard the common refrain, “I could never work at…

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Red Sox SOS Raffle

 What do baseball players and shelter animals have in common? They all want to be home safe.   Update: Thank…

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How to Safely Pick Up a Rabbit

Rabbits can make wonderful pets but before adopting one, it’s important to ensure you know the basics on how to…

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Watch Furassic World: Small Animal Kingdom

An Epic Rescue Mission is about to unfold at the New Hampshire SPCA…. The New Hampshire SPCA presents: Furassic World. Small Animal…

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